Mygiftcardsite Login
Mygiftcardsite Login.
How do I log in to my Mygiftcardsite account?
This is how you sign in to your Mygiftcardsite prepaid debit card account.
- Visit the official website at the url.
- The page will re-direct to This is the official login page.
- Enter your Prepaid Card Number and Prepaid Card Security Code. The Card Number is the long number of the front of the card. The Card Security Code is the 3-digit number that can be found on the back of the card following the signature block.
- Enter the CAPCHA code in the code field, as the code appears in the CAPCHA box. Click on the round arrows sign to reload a new CAPCHA code.
- Click on “Login”.
If you are having problems logging in, call the toll free number 1-866-952-5653.
Make sure that your CAPS LOCK button is OFF and that you enter the Card Number without any spaces.
If the page or Capcha code field does not load properly, then try logging in from another internet browser, or from another device or computer, for example your mobile phone.

Note, that the URL will re-direct to Enter your card number, Card Security Code, and solve the CAPCHA. Finish be clicking on “Login”.